Pisa. APRIL 30th.- With the direction of the Italian cinema and theater actor Marco di Stefano and the efforts of Sara di Feria and the Venezuelan community on Italy, the liberty and peace voices were raised trough a FLASH MOB, its intention, to steal the attention from the international community to turn their eyes onto Venezuela and its very difficult situation trough the reenactment of the crimes against human rights committed by the Nicolas Maduro government and venezuelan armed forces against unarmed civilians and politicians in the past two months, hundreds of locals and impressed tourists attended in a very curious way to the event, and showed their solidarity to the citizens of this south american country.
The event counted with the generous help and participation of: Master Giovanni Meozzi (who was one of the world famous Andrea Bocelli's music teachers) the Italian-Venezuelan musicist Giampiero Longoni with his group ''Centenarios del Sol'', the dance gruop ASDAPS, the choreographer Tanya Khabarova, the lyric singer ''contralto'' MANDY, Federico Cipitelli with his accordion, Roberto Romano, and a fantastic and touching ''Amazing Grace'' famous and very talented gospel singer and actor Harold Bradley.
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